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Yvette Madkins is certified in both Adult & Youth Anger Management, Co-Parenting/Parenting , Domestic Violence, Emotional Intelligence and Supervised Visitations. I provide services in individual and group settings based on your needs.


Call 916-245-0388 to schedule your appointment for services



Parenting Class/Support Group

(adult & youth sessions available)

Offers domestic violence education, child protective services information, and is a bonding group for mothers and fathers in which participants are encouraged and inspired to be the best parents they can possibly be.  Participants also learn advanced parenting skills that will enhance their relationships with their child/children. There are many benefits to attending SOS Parenting classes, including outings and activities. $70 intake fee per person. Evening classes available. Call for fee schedule, Separate sessions are offered for youth. 

(adult & youth sessions available)

Anger Management

Keep Your Cool- Anger Management (Don’t Lose It)

Develop skills to stay calm in high energy and challenging situations.  Learn how to deflect negativity and to become more assertive instead of aggressive. This class will help participants deal with people who know how to push buttons to alter personalities.  Pressures of life, Road rage, relationship issues, dealing with the boss – any challenges that could make you lose control can be easily managed. These sessions will also help manage stress, which will help participants be the best person they can be.  $70.00 per person intake fee. Evening, Saturday or individual classes available; Call for fee schedule. Separate sessions are offered for youth (Call for youth fees)


(adult & youth sessions available)

These sessions help participants focus on the best interests of their child/children and increase their communication and functioning abilities with their co-parent. Learn more effective ways to get your point across and develop more patience and understanding in conversations to make life easier and more enjoyable for the children. Co-parenting does not have to be a battle.  Find peace in moving forward.  $70 intake fee per person. Call for fee schedule. Evening classes available, fees for services are non-refundable. Young Adult/Teenage Co-Parenting sessions available.                                                              

Practical Parenting

(adult & youth sessions available)

Children do not come with instruction manuals. These sessions will help participants learn the stages children go through and how to navigate them.  Learn about low and no cost activities to enjoy with your children, how to “speak their language,” support them in the way that matters the most to them, and to become the nurturing parent they need. We offer group, individual, private and one-on one sessions, $70 intake fee per person. Call for fee schedule. Evening classes available.

Fees for services are non-refundable.  Young Adult/Teenage Parenting classes are available. 

Domestic Violence

52 week Certified Batterer's Treatment Program for domestic violence offenders. We provide classes for individuals that have been ordered to attend a Batterers’ Treatment Program (conflicts with interpersonal relationships). We are certified to work with individuals that are mandated to 52 week Batterers Intervention Program.  $70 Intake fee per person; Call for fee schedule, fees are non-refundable. Evening classes available.

Domesic Violence

One-on-One Sessions

One-on-one sessions differ from classes because participants receive relationship advice, life skills training, court document preparation help, family reunification assistance and parenting advice.  These sessions offer flexibility to meet participants’ individual needs beyond the topics mentioned above.  Clients set the agenda. $70 Intake fee per person, Call for fee schedule

 Evening sessions available. Fees for services are non-refundable.                 

Call for fee schedule

Supervised Visitations



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All classes are offered at

S.O.S. - Superior Outreach Services

located at 7000 Franklin Blvd #740 Sacramento, CA 95823


For more information about our adult services, please contact Yvette Madkins at 916-245-0388 or



Donations are Tax-Deductible. Single, Weekly, or Monthly options are available.

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Great Is Thy Faithfulness Ministries

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